
Posts by: Admin

New Report: Fostering Sustainable Future for Rural Communities Through Philanthropy

New Report: Fostering Sustainable Future for Rural Communities Through Philanthropy

A new report, Fostering Sustainable Future for Rural Communities Through Philanthropy, has been released examining how community foundation can influence and participate in regional development in rural areas to support revitalization and sustainability. The report highlights the work of the Sussex Area Community Foundation…

Presentation Delivered at Rural Canada Conference

Presentation Delivered at Rural Canada Conference

Initial findings from the philanthropy and regional development research initiative were presented at the Rural Canada: Ready to Grow conference in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The conference brought together community/regional actors, government policy makers, researchers, and private businesses. The presentation was well…

Working Paper Released in September 2013

Working Paper Released in September 2013

A new working paper was released in September 2013. The paper Assets, Revenues, and Gifts: A Review of Atlantic Canada’s Community Foundations (Gibson & Parmiter) primarily uses Canada Revenue Agency data to examine financial assets of Atlantic Canadian community foundations…